
Different types of Bible studies

Following the Rules

April 12th, 2006
  • What?s your favourite sport? Why that sport?
  • What does it take to succeed, to win in that sport ? (Skill, practice, experience, a good coach, knowing the rules, etc.)
  • How important is it to know the rules really well ?
  • How do you get to know the rules really well ?
  • Who makes the rules ? How easy is it to get them changed ?
  • What happens when you ignore the rules ? When you fail to follow the rules to the letter ?
  • Now, let?s look at what Jesus says about religious people who fail to follow God?s rules? who make compromises in the way they live their lives.
  • Rev. 3: 14-18.
    Q: What is Jesus saying here ?
    A: Worldly success is valueless, spiritual wealth is all that counts.

    Q: Being lukewarm about looking for the truth is worse than openly turning away, being cold toward God. Why ?

    Rev. 3: 19-22.
    Q: And here . What?s Jesus? message ?
    A: Jesus loves those who accept God?s rules? those who accept the discipline of a righteous life. Only those who overcome the pressures of the world will end up in Heaven. No religious hypocrites allowed !

    Q: What holds us back from being hot for the truth ? from living the life set out for us ?

    Let?s look at a familiar example.
    Mark 6: 17-28.
    Q: What sins did Herod commit ?
    A: Sexual immorality, marrying two wives, imprisoning an innocent man, drunkenness, lust, murder, etc.

    Q: What held him back from leading a righteous life ?

    Q: Why did he imprison John,whom he knew was a righteous and holy man?
    A: His selfish ambition, malice, to stop John?s public criticism of his lifestyle, also to pacify his malicious wife.

    Q: Why did he make his wild promise to Salome ?
    A: His impurity, lewdness, to gain favours with his wife and her daughter, to impress his guests.

    Q: Why did Herod, despite his great distress, go through with his promise to Salome ?
    A: His pride, arrogance would not allow him to admit his mistake, his foolish talk, his folly.

    Acts 12: 21-25.
    Herod ignored God?s rules all his life and, because of this, was eventually struck down by an angel, eaten by worms and died.

    But we need to remember that Herod?s sins ? selfish ambition, malice, impurity, pride, arrogance, foolish talk, folly are all common worldly sins which can take us to Hell.

    Q: How well do you know God?s rules for living a righteous life?
    Q: How sure are you about your standing with God ?
    Q: How Hot a prospect are you for Life after Death ?
    Q:What?s holding you back from improving your chances ? Is it Selfishness ?
    Q: Are you putting your worldly priorities and worldly wealth first ?
    Q: Is it Pride ? Is it difficult to admit that you need to work further on you spiritual wealth ?

    See: Gal.5:19-21, Eph.5:3-7, 1 Cor.5:9-13, Mark 7:20-23, Matt.5:27-30, Rev.21:8