
Different types of Bible studies

Spiritual Blindness

April 18th, 2006

Opening Question: "What is the worst physical handicap to you?"

Physical Blindness
John 9:1-7

1. Q: What do you think it would be like to be blind?
A: scared, out of control, insecure, etc ...

2. Q: Now if you were born blind what would it feel like?
A: Normal

3. Q: What do you think it would be like to have your eyes opened for the first time?
A: Scary, look in the mirror, amazing, etc...

Spiritual Blindness
John 9:13-23

4. Q: Who is spiritually blind here?
A: Pharisees, parents {They can't see Jesus as being the Son of God}

5. Q: Why can they not see Jesus?
A: Pharisees - PRIDE (assuming they were right on the Sabbath issue)
A: Parents - FEAR - (Pleasing the Jews v?s God?)

6. Q: How can pride blind us to the Truth today?
A: Refuse to admit we are wrong, assumptions disprove the truth

7. Q: How does fear blind us to the truth today?
A: Consequences scare us, too concerned about what people think of us, etc ...

8. Q: What are some of the truths that people are blinded to today?
A: Discipleship, repentance, total commitment, etc ...

Spiritually Awake
John 9:24~41

9. Q: What enables this man to see the truth?
A: Humility, courage, love for God, etc