
Different types of Bible studies

A Clear Choice

March 12th, 2014

Originally April 18th, 2006
Opening Question: "What is one of the most difficult decisions you've ever had to make?"

Deuteronomy 30:11-20

1. v11 - Why is it difficult to live the Christian life?

  • Peer pressure
  • Time pressure (schedule)
  • Disciplined life (resisting temptations eg selfishness, laziness, impurity, greed)

2. v12-14 - Yet God says its not to difficult. What has he given us to make it easy?

  • Evidences to know this is the truth
  • Friendships that are real, to encourage, correct and rebuke
  • The Bible
  • Jesus' example and love answered prayers

3. v14 - How do PEOPLE try and make it easier?

  • Rationalize the truth
  • Tradition
  • Compromise on the standards - 2 Timothy 4:3-4

v15 - Talks about the seriousness of this.

4: What does it mean to love God and walk His ways?

  • Time with Him (listening and talking)
  • Radical about sin
  • Being a disciple - purpose to help people to get closer to God
  • Helping the poor

5. v17 - What things can draw us away from God, that we worship?

  • Possessions, money, cars, etc
  • Careers, eduaction
  • Power popularity (peoples' opinions)
  • Our own God - different characteristics than the God of the Bible.

6. v19 - Since this is such a clear choice why do so many people choose wrong?

  • Fear
  • Laziness
  • Lack of respect or love for God