
Different types of Bible studies

Three Scary Scriptures

April 20th, 2006

Opening Question: "What are you scared of?" (Spiders, snakes, heights etc.)

Revelations 21:6-8
1. Q: What do you find scary about this passage?
A: Individual sins and fiery lake - Elaborate on the sins Cowardliness. Immoral. Lies.

Luke 13:22-27
2. Q: What do you find scary about this passage?
A: Trying but not entering - high standard - every effort - people will be surprised.

3. Q: What would describe someone trying to win a race?
A: Going training, eating well.

4. Q: What would describe someone making every effort to win a race?
A: Sacrifice, radicalness, total commitment everyday, asking advice

5. Q: Describe someone trying to get to heaven.
A: Going to church, reading Bible etc ...

6. Q: Describe someone making every effort to get to heaven.
A: Reading every day, getting someone in his/her life, sacrificial.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
7. Q: What do you find scary (terrifying) about this passage?
A: Counterfeit miracles deceive the perishing.

8. Q: What are they deceived about?
A: Their salvation, righteousness in God's eyes.

9. Q:How can we refuse to love the truth?
A: Not be honest with ourselves, not doing what the Bible asks of us.

10. Q: How do you know if someone enjoys their sin?
A: Doesn't change, says sorry day after day.