
Different types of Bible studies


April 20th, 2006

1. Q: What are some of the warnings that we don't obey today?
A: Traffic signs, cigarettes health hazards, skin cancer, etc ...

2. Q: What are some warnings we do obey?
A: Poison, electrical charge, beware of the dog, etc ...

Why is there a difference?
(a) The seriousness of the consequences
(b) The immediacy of the effect

Hebrews 2:1-14
4. Q: What are some of the warnings in this passage?
A: Pay more careful attention to our lives. Don't drift away Don't miss salvation

5. Q: What can we do to pay more attention to our lives?
A: Read Bible more, confess our sin, ask for help from other people, etc

6. Q: Why do you think he uses the word "drift" away rather than zoom away?
A: It's a gradual process that typically we are unaware of that its happening.

Matthew 7:1-23
7. Q: What are some of the warnings here?
A: Beware of those prophets
Bear good fruit not bad fruit
Don't just believe in Jesus Do His Will

8. Q: What are some good fruits? (Physical)
A: apples, bananas, mangoes, gapes

9. Q: What are some good spiritual fruit?
A: Love, sympathy, humility, winning souls, etc...

10. Q: What are some bad fruits spiritually?
A: smoking, drinking, lust, racism, pride, etc ...

I Corinthians 10:6-12
11. Q: What are some of the warnings here?
A: Don't idolise things
D don't be sexually immoral
Don't test God
Don't grumble against God
Be careful if you think you're standing firm