
Different types of Bible studies

Whose Voice do you Listen to?

April 20th, 2006

Opening Question: What is some bad advice you have been given in the past?

1Kings 22:1-5
1. Q: What are some of the typical plans people make today?
A: Careers \ exotic holidays \ new girlfriend

2. Q: Why is Jehosaphat concerned about seeking counsel from God?
A: respects & loves God
a big decision needs Gods approval

3. Q: Where do people generally go for advice on their plans?
A: horoscopes \ friends \ movie character example

4. Q: Why do some people not like to go to the bible?
A: Has high moral standards
Condemns sinful plans

5. Q: Why should he not say what he said?
A: Because he is saying he hates Gods words

6. Q: What should he say?
A: If he has only bad things to say then I need to change

7. Q: What typically pressures us into going along with the crowd?
A: Our fear of standing out
Dislike of criticism

8. Q: When do we tend to start getting very critical of others?
A: When we are in a corner

9. Q: What are some of the lies that false prophets tell today?
A: Just belief is needed You don?t need to be a disciple
Homosexuality & immorality is O.K.

10. Q: How do people imprison Gods message today?
A: Ignore \ delay \ dilute \ rationalize

The king of Israel goes into battle DISGUISED and yet an arrow fired at random struck him between the sections of his armour and he died.
You can listen to the false prophets because they may say ?nicer? things but ultimately it is always better to follow the hard but right way.