
Different types of Bible studies

Real Happiness - Psalm 1

April 24th, 2006

OQ: What makes you happy?

C: Tonight we're going to look at 6 verses in the Bible that contain the keys to happiness in our lives!

Psalms 1:1-6

1. Have the right friends. Q: In verse 1, the word "blessed" is used. What does that mean? [A happiness given by God.] Why is that kind of happiness so good? [It can't be taken away.] Who is blessed? [The man who does not hang around with wicked people.]

Q: How can hanging around with evil people destroy your happiness? [They do bad things and when they are punished, so you will also be punished. For example: they skip work and lose their jobs, and so you also skip work and lose your job. They steal from someone and you get punished, too. They tell lies and people think you also were involved. They tease girls and the girls' brothers come to beat you, too.]

C: Think about your friends today. What kind of friends do you have? Choosing the right friends is the first key to happiness.

2. Always read the Bible. Q: In verse 2, what did this man delight in? [The law of the Lord.] What did he do? [He meditated on it day and night.] What do people spend a lot of time thinking about day and night? [New two-in-one, new scooter, girlfriend/boyfriend, movie stars, making money, passing IAS exam, going abroad, getting a new house or TV/VCR, succeeding in sports, being famous.] Why does reading the Bible make us happy, whereas these other things do not? [When we read the Bible we learn truth and draw close to God. These things make us happy when we first get them, but then the excitement wears off.] Q: Have you ever really wanted to get something, and then soon after you got it you were disappointed (it didn't make you happy)? {SHARE YOURSELF and let them share.}

C: The best way to start reading the Bible is to make a regular time for it every day. Like first thing in the morning. Or at lunchtime. Or just before going to bed. But it should be a habit. Q: When do some of you read the Bible each day? {SHARE YOURSELF and let them share.}

3. Prosper in your work. C: In verse 3 we see another key to happiness: we need to be planted down in our life like a tree, regularly producing fruit. What this means is that we should be succeeding in our home life, our studies, our work. When we do well in these things, it makes us happy. Think about yourself. Have you been lazy? Do you help in the house? Are you on time at work/college? Do you work hard there, or are you goofing off? Make a decision today to do real work and great joy and prosperity will come to you.

4. Put away wickedness. Q: What does God do to the wicked according to verse 4? [He blows them away like chaff.] What is chaff? [It is the leftover seed coverings and waste when wheat (ANAJ) is harvested.] Is chaff of any value? [No.] Are we of any value to God if we are wicked? [No.] What are some common sins today? [Immorality. Lying. Anger. Cheating. Breaking our word. Selfishness. Pride. Drunkenness.] Will wicked people be able to stand with the righteous on judgement day (verse 5)? [No.]

Q: Why does wickedness lead to unhappiness? [Because we make enemies of others when we are wicked. We hurt those who love us. And we make God upset.] To be happy, what should we all do? [Put away wickedness in our lives.]

5. You get God on your side. Q: According to verse 6, who watches over the righteous? [God.] Q: As a small child, did you ever go out playing where someone was watching you? How did it make you feel? {SHARE YOURSELF and let them share.} C: When someone is watching us we feel secure. If we are righteous, God watches over us. The great news today is that God can start watching over you. Confess your sins to someone in this group. Get righteous. And start praying to God regularly. You will feel the happiness that comes from having the Creator of the universe on your side! And a Christian knows that when he dies, he'll go to heaven. That is something that should truly make us happy--death is not a defeat!

C: Today we've learned how to have real happiness. Most people have very little happiness. But all of us can learn to be happy. Let's follow what we learned today: Have the right friends, Always read the Bible, Prosper in your work, Put away wickedness, and You get God on your side through prayer. Then you and I will be HAPPY!