
Different types of Bible studies

Jeremiah 6 - The Crossroads of Life

April 24th, 2006

OQ: Have you ever won a prise or been chosen for some award or special duty? C: In the Old Testament, God chose Jeremiah to be his prophet, to preach to the hypocritical Israelites about right and wrong. We'll learn 3 things from Jeremiah 6 today.

1. God Has Chosen You Today. Jer 6:9. C: Here God says he is gleaning Israel like a hand passing through a grapevine, gathering grapes. He is choosing the good grapes, the righteous people. Look at Isa 43:1-5. Q: What did God do for us according to verse 1? [He created and formed us. He redeemed us and called us by name.] What does he promise in verse 2? [He'll be with us in times of trouble.] Has anyone ever promised you to stand by your side, but then he let you down in the time of trouble? {Let them share and SHARE YOURSELF}.

C: Verse 4 of Isaiah 43 is so encouraging. Here God says we are precious and honoured in his sight, and that he loves us. Q: How do people treat their gold, or their favourite possessions? [So tenderly and carefully.] C: That is how God takes care of us. Q: Does God want us to be afraid (v.5)? [No, he is with us.] Q: How did you come to know about this meeting? {Let some of the visitors or others share.} C: God has chosen you today by bringing you here to be with us. It is no accident. That's exciting!

2. Listen to What God Has to Say. Jer 6:10-15. Q: In verse 10 it says that the Word of God was offensive to them. Is it offensive to you? What do people do when they are offended by God's Word? [They get angry, defensive, argumentative.] In verse 11, Jeremiah said, "I am full of the wrath of the Lord." Are you full of passion? What do people get upset about today? [Money, politics, food problems in the house, dirty things in the house.]

C: What were they greedy for according to verse 13? [They were greedy for gain. They were deceitful.] Were they hard on sin (verse 14)? [No.] Why not? Why are religious leaders afraid to speak the truth to their flock? [They weren't hard on others because they weren't hard on themselves. Also, they are afraid they'll lose the people's contributions.] Were these people ashamed of their sins? [No.] Q: How should we react when we do wrong? [Be open. Apologise. Be ashamed. Decide to change.]

C: Let's listen to what God has to say. Let's be indignant about sin, not saying, "It is OK."

3. Ask for the Good Way. Jer 6:16-19. Q: In verse 16 he says we must ask for the ancient paths and ask for the good way. How can we do this today? [Go back to the ancient book, the Bible, and seriously study it. Get real help from someone who knows and practises the Bible. Come to meetings of the church.] What if people don't ask for the good way? [God brings judgement and disaster on them.]

C: Think for a minute. Have you really listened to the words of God in your life? Are you truly seeking God and his truth? Are you ready for judgement? What if you died tonight? Is there any hidden sin? Are you ready? Make sure you are.