Trivia (Goliath)

Biblical trivia on different topics and people

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  1. After David killed Goliath - what did he do? (1 Samuel 17:51)
    1. Buried him
    2. Worshipped God
    3. Cut off Goliath's head
    4. Returned the body to the enemy
  2. God delivered Goliath into David's hand because of David's: (1 Samuel 17:37)
    1. Skill
    2. Obedience
    3. Strength
    4. Faith
  3. How many days did Goliath challenge Israel to send a man to fight him? (1 Samuel 17:16)
    1. 2 days
    2. 13 days
    3. 40 days
    4. 75 days
  4. How many stones did David use to kill Goliath? (1 Samuel 17:49)
    1. 7
    2. 5
    3. 3
    4. 1
  5. How tall was Goliath? (1 Samuel 17:4)
    1. 12 cubits
    2. 8 cubits
    3. 10 cubits and a span
    4. 6 cubits and a span
  6. What did the Philistines do after they saw that Goliath was dead? (1 Samuel 17:51)
    1. They attacked the army of Israel
    2. They turned and fled
    3. They burned Goliath's body
    4. They fell to their knees and worshipped God
  7. When Goliath faced David - Goliath was: (1 Samuel 17:41)
    1. by himself.
    2. with one other man
    3. with two other men
    4. with three other men
  8. Where did David fatally wound Goliath? (1 Samuel 17:49)
    1. Forehead
    2. Chest
    3. Arm
    4. Throat