Trivia (Wars)

Biblical trivia on different topics and people

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  1. After losing a battle against the Philistines - what happened to King Saul? (1 Samuel 31:4)
    1. He was killed by an archer
    2. He was slain by David
    3. He fell on his sword
    4. He was slain by his armorbearer
  2. Israel had victory over the Amalekites in battle as long as Moses did what? (Exodus 17:8-13)
    1. Led them in battle
    2. Fasted and prayed
    3. Held the rod of God aloft
    4. Struck the ground with his staff
  3. King Ahab died in battle against Syria by being what? (1 Kings 22:34)
    1. Shot by an archer
    2. Run over by his own chariot
    3. Run through with a sword
    4. Betrayed by his troops
  4. Sennacherib's Assyrian army was almost totally destroyed by which of the following? (2 Kings 19:35)
    1. Hezekiah's army
    2. The angel of the Lord
    3. Fire from heaven
    4. An earthquake
  5. The sun stood still while Joshua's army destroyed what people? (Joshua 10:12-13)
    1. The Amalekites
    2. The Amorites
    3. The Philistines
    4. The Hittites
  6. What army fled in the night because they heard the sound of army chariots and horses? (2 Kings 7:6-7)
    1. Egyptians
    2. Hittities
    3. Syrians
    4. Israelites
  7. What army turned on itself when Gideon and 300 men blew trumpets and broke empty pitchers? (Judges 7:15-22)
    1. Moabites
    2. Midianites
    3. Assyrians
    4. Syrians
  8. When Israel lost in battle to the Philistines - what was captured? (1 Samuel 4:10-11)
    1. The Ark of the Covenant
    2. The golden calf
    3. The rod of Moses
    4. The temple