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2008-03-10 - Be Still My Soul - Quiet Time

Jesus deeply valued his time alone with God

Jesus sought out quiet time
"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest" - Mark 6:31b
"Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" - Luke 5:16
Occasional devotions are OK but should never replace our private time with God

Jesus found a quite place
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father" - Matthew 6:6
If you have no quite place - your relationship will be shallow and limited

Jesus urged alertness
Jesus pleaded with them to be awake and alert in prayer - Mark 14:37-42
Be "clear minded and self-controller" so that we can pray - 1 Peter 4:7

How long? until a sense of peace and closeness with God

How much time in prayer and study? mix it up; our relationship should not become stale

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you" - John 15:4-8

2008-04-03 - Falling in Love with God - Fear

The other emotional response that undermines our love for God

Perfect love drives our fear - 1 John 4:18
Fear greatly affects our ability to love; renders lifeless our love for God

Fear one of the most powerful and universal tools Satan uses for:

  • Keep man from the knowledge of God
  • Experience of God's power
  • Experience grace in our lives
  • Taking our eyes off of God and onto our circumstances and insecurities

There is healthy fear (like fearing God) but unhealthy fear is one that controls us and causes us to turn away from God's direction
Fear is rarely rational

  • Why are you so afraid - Matthew 8:26
  • Don't be afraid - Matthew 14:27
  • Don't be afraid - Matthew 17:7
  • Don't be afraid - Matthew 28:10
  • Don't be afraid - Mark 5:36
  • Don't be afraid - Luke 5:10
  • Don't be afraid - Luke 8:50
  • Don't be afraid - Luke 12:7
  • Don't be afraid - Luke 12:32
  • Don't be afraid - John 6:19-20
  • Don't be afraid - John 12:15
  • Don't be afraid - John 14:27

God understands the destructive nature of fear
He simply commands us to deal with our fears through our relationship with him

2008-04-30 - Falling in Love with God - God Finding Us

When does seeking really start?

Romans 3:11 - there is no one that seeks God
John 6:44 - No one can come to me unless the Father draws him

Studying the Bible is simply allowing ourselves to be sought by God

If it was our own effort - baptism may seem like the end of the quest

We need to active learners

When we were young, we understood obligation  - "I gotta go to school"
After high school, we may go to college and narrow our focus of learning and become passive learners

  • We listen to the voice of our experience as the final authority
  • We learn mostly from our mistakes
  • We learn when we are forced to out of control - crisis, illness, death

Treasures are for those who will continue to seek forever; not for those who want tips and tricks for being "effective"

If there were ever a moment to be a passive learner, it would be when you walk with Jesus

Luke 11:1-13 - where would we be if the disciples had not asked about praying to the Father? - not know how to address the Father

We need to take responsibilty to get deep and ask questions

2008-05-07 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - In Touch and Out of the Pit
Talking help condenses our thoughts but writing focuses our thoughts further in a more compact form

David - controlled his emotions by pouring them out in writing
Anguished spirit > Full of faith

We need to work through our past by writing and talking about things that hurt us
Our undealt-with hurts always result in anger and bitterness
May also discover many forgotten positive memories

Ultimately, blame goes to Satan - separate sin from the offender (some responsibility)
By God's grace, healing can occur

Be clear minded so you can pray - 1 Peter 4:7

2008-05-24 - Purpose Driven Life - What Drives Your Life?

What shouldn't drive our life (will miss God's purposes for your life):

People are driven by guilt

Allows the past to control their future
God's purpose is not limited to our past

God turned a murder (Moses and Paul) into a leader and a coward into a hero

God specializes in giving people a fresh start

People are driven by resentment and anger - Resentment always hurts you more than it does the other person

People are driven by fear - from unrealistic expectations and high-control situations

People are driven by materialism - Your value is not determined by your valuables

People are driven by the need for approval - those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it

Living a purpose driven life, knowing your purpose:

  1. Gives meaning to your life
    • I have laboed to no purpose - Isaiah 49:4
    • My life drags by - day after hopeless day - Job 7:6
    • My life makes no sense - Job 7:16
  2. Simplies your life
    • You have just enough time to do God's will - too much to do means you doing things you shouldn't be doing
  3. Focuses your life
  4. Motivates your life
  5. Prepares you for eternity

2008-06-01 - Purpose Driven Life - The Heart of Worship (Part 1)
Surrender is an unpopular word, implies losing
Heart of a true worshiper of God is surrender

Three barriers to 100% surrender are: fear, pride, and confusion

Can we trust God?

Trust is essential, you can not surrender to God if you do not trust him
Fear keeps us from surrendering - God is love and love us deeply and casts out all fear

God is willing to have his son die for us - Romans 5:8

Admitting our limitations

The oldest temptation is want to be like God - Genesis 3:5
That desire wants complete control
We want to be taller, smarter, anger, stronger, more talent, more beauty, and wealthier.
When faced with our limitations we react with irritation, anger, and resentment.

2008-06-06 - Purpose Driven Life - When God Seems Distant
Easy to worship God when things are going great

God matures relationship by times of separation - Job, David, Jesus
God promises to never leave you or forsake you

Sin separates - Friendships are tested by separation and silence

Sometimes distance from God is not because of sin - feelings may be off
It is not a feeling,  God will remove your dependence of feelings
Tell God how you feel
God can handle your doubt, fear, anger, grief, confusion, and questions
Remember: God is unchanging:
Job praised God in these ways:
  • Good and loving - Job 10:12
  • All powerful - Job 42:2; 37:5, 23
  • Every detail of his life - Job 23:10, 31:4
  • He is in control - Job 34:14
  • Has a plan for my life - Job 23:14
  • He will save me - Job 19:25
Trust God to keep his promises
His promises do not change despite circumstances
Remember what God has already done for you
Even if God will not do anything else for you (very unlikely) He gave his son

2008-06-20 - Purpose Driven Life - Defeating Temptation

There is always a way out
He will not permit any temptation that you could not overcome - 1 Corinthians 10:13

Refocus attention on something else

By resisting, you actually reinforce it
Don't fight the though, change the channel
Power of suggestion - the more you think about something, the stronger it takes hold of you
Temptation begins by capturing your attention - Satan can't get your attention when you are focused on something else

Reveal your struggle to a gold friend or support group

If you fall, a friend can help you up - Eccelesiastes 4:9-10
Hiding your hurt intensifies it
Satan wants you to think that your temptation is unique - We all fight the same temptations - 1 Corinthians 10:13
The reason we hide our faults is pride - everything is under control

Resist the Devil

He will flee when you resist - James 4:7
Without Christ we are defenseless against the Devil
Satan can not make you do anything, he can only suggest
Use the Word of God as your weapon against Satan - Jesus simply answered Satan with scriptures
Don't ever try to argue with Satan - he better at it

Realize your vulnerabilities

The heart is deceitful above all things- Jeremiah 17:9

Don't carelessly place yourself in tempting situations, avoid them - Proverbs 14:16

2008-07-01 - Purpose Driven Life - Real Servants (part 1)

We server God by serving others
Everyone wants to lead; not many want to follow - we would rather be generals than privates

How can you know if you have the heart of Jesus?
You can tell what they are by what they do - Matthew 7:16

Real Servants make themselves available to serve

Like a soldier, always by for duty - 2 Timothy 2:4

  • Do what is needed
  • Do it when it is inconvenient
  • Gives up control of their schedule
  • Not frustrated because it is whatever God wants

Real servants pay attention to needs

Always looking out for ways to help others
Great opportunities to serve never last for long
Never tell your neighbor to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now - Proverbs 3:28

Real servants do their best with what they have

Servant never make excuses, procratinate, wait for better circumstances
If you wait for the perfect conditions, you will never get anything done - Ecclesiates 11:4
Less-than-perfect service is better than the best intention

2008-08-22 - 30 Days at the Cross - Not Surprise by Joy

Joy set before him endured the cross - Hebrews 12:2-3
Jesus was a joyful person; even at the cross - at the cross it seemed that everything was going wrong

Yet joy joy was still in the heart of Jesus:

  • He knew God was in control
  • He didn't agrue with God
  • He didn't need explaination
  • He didn't need to justify himself
  • He entrusted himself to the one who judges - 1 Peter 2:23

When we try to take over God's role - there is no joy
Jesus prayed for his disciples to have the full measure of his joy - John 17:13

Even the violent scene of the cross brought about joy and hope
What will you allow to steal your joy?

2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-18 - Teach Us To Pray - Courage and Boldness
Prayer reminds us God is in control
It is his battle, I belong to God, and God will make me successful
God will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13

To pray for boldness and courage:
  1. Trust - We are exactly the way God wants us to be; he will make up what we are not - 2 Timothy 1:7
  2. Righteousness - Righteous are as bold as a lion; god can not hear us if we cherish sin - Psalms 66:18
  3. Action - do what the word says; Keep praying until you act
Does our faith come from our results or our results come from our faith

God's work cannot be done in this world without courage

2008-12-15 - Raising Awesome Kids - Disarming Disobedience

They crack you up laughing while he or she is disobeying you
If we let a child control us by smiling and laughing, we will cry and mourn later
We are creating a monster - who will manipulating others for personal gain

Never let them do whatever just because they are cute or charming

2008-12-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 1)

vWhat are we to do when our children disobey us?

  1. Verbal correction or reprimand
  2. One-warning rule - if your instructions are not followed, give one verbal warning
  3. Immediate Correction - the closer to the time of the offense, the more effective the action; delays also creates a tense, fearful atomsphere
  4. Temporary Isolation

Great with kids who love to be in the middle of the action
Don't let them ruining everyone else's fun

One way they learn to gain control over us - let them have their way
We are going to have a great time - they will realize that no one is mourning their loss

2008-12-21 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 3)

What does the Bible say about spanking?

He who spares the rod hates his son - Proverbs 13:24
The rod of discipline will drive folly far away - Proverbs 22:15
If you punish with the rod, they will not die - Proverbs 23:13-14

Message is clear - Spanking is vaild, employed with wisdom and love

  1. Spanking should be an event
  2. Explain beforehand the reason for the spanking
  3. Cool off before spanking a child - must be complete self-control and not retaliatory
  4. Use a designate paddle - do not hand spank - too personal
  5. Spanking must result in change, contrite heart
  6. Bring things to resolution
  7. Do not spank for every offence - children in elementary years, spanking is less appropriate
  8. Spank on the safe backside or thigh
  9. Start as soon as the child begins to understand the word no; about 14 months

2009-01-30 - Jesus with People - Greatest in th Kingdom
I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom  of heaven - Matthew 18:1-4

Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost - Matthew 18:12-14

We need to become like children in a very specific way
Our human nature wants to be first and to have control
Matthew 18 were driven by the same desire - they asked Jesus "Who is the greatest?"
When become like little children, we become like Jesus

Paraphrase - Because of your power-hungry pride you guys are not even in the kingdom of God, and nothing will change this fact unless you start imitating this child

After Jesus' sacrifice, all his teachings made sense
Having a child's humility is impossible until we understand the cross
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

Must see other brothers and sisters in Christ as God's little spiritual children who must be cared for
God's heart is that not a single person be lost
Do we feel the personal responsibility for others?

Who do you know who is struggling spiritually? What can you do to help them?

2009-02-16 - Jesus with People - Widows Emotional Sacrifice
Be careful for your hearts will be weighed down with anxieties of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap - Luke 21:34

Sacrifice requires that we take control of the anxieties of our lives
It is a daily struggle

In order to change our character weaknesses, true emotional sacrifice is needed
  1. We must admit that we are sinful
  2. We must realize Jesus has called us to follow him and be righteous
  3. Humbly commit to change
  4. We must change
The solutions are simple, emotional sacrifice is not

2009-02-19 - Jesus with People - What is Truth?
Upon hearing the charges made by his fellow Jews, Jesus did not even rely to a single charge - Matthew 27:14

Governor was amazed; Jesus' self-control stumped Pilate

Ill-fated Jews were forcing Pilate to face "truth" head on
All he wanted to do was avoid another political blunder; he responded - What is truth?

Jesus stood before him as the truth

For this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth - John 18:37

Everyone on the side of truth listen to me - John 18:37

2009-03-12 - Promises of God - Carry and Rescue
Paul: My God will meet all your needs - Philiippians 4:19

God most certianly allows us to have needs
He allows situations where we are left to wonder how things will turn out
He has not promised to keep us free from need

As we grow older, all kinds of needs are created

I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you - Isaiah 46:3:-4

Old age and gray hairs = symbols of all the things we can not control and tend to worry us

I will rescue you: deliver us from danger - did not promis we wll never be in danger

From every evil attack and bring me to safety - 2 Timothy 4:18

2009-04-03 - Promises of God - Prayers Real Purpose (part 1)
We must understand our God if we are going to truly understand the promise offered to us in prayer

His thoughts are not small nor his purposes shallow
He is in the control of all things and these is nothing he can't do

He is the God who take out a heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh - Ezekiel 36:26

He can forgive our sins and forget them - Hebrews 8:12

2009-08-01 - A Life of Impact - Anger

Mark 11:11-19
  • He was furious about the fruitfulness of another “tree” that he had planted, watered, weeded, fertilized.
  • Jesus cleared the temple at the beginning of His ministry and also here at the end of His of His ministry
  • There was no fear of God.
  • Jesus knew the right place and the right time the do the things needed.
  • He was disciplined and self-controlled for just the right time.
  • What made Jesus angry was the stubborn refusal of most to change.
  • A willingness to change is a precious and seemingly rare behavioral characteristic.
  • Become exceedingly insecure and defensive when we are awakened to the existence of personal deficiencies.
  • We must also get angry about obstinacy in our own lives and other people’s lives.
  • Why didn’t anyone try to stop Jesus as he was taking over the temple? (Only one person and many of them)
  • They knew that they were in the wrong.
  • Teachers of the law and chief priests feared Jesus
  • If people consider you a “nice guy” and are not in awe of you, you probably won’t have much impact.

2009-08-16 - A Life of Impact - Powerful Self-Control

A Powerful Presence

Mark 14:43-52

  • Fearsome spectacle - all the disciples fled
  • John 18:4-6 – He was forceful and in control of his decision


Mark 14:53-65

  • Remember, for these men to act this way must have seemed completely out of character.
  • What is your standard of self-control? – They lost control of their anger (built up over several month and years)

2009-08-30 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 4)
Eve (helper or lifesaver)– fails her design too
Eve is deceived
Eve was convicted that God was withholding something from her
Now every daughter of Eve wants control her surroundings
  • She wants control of the adventure
  • Her relationships
  • Her God
  • No longer vulnerable
  • Fear that no one will speak on our behalf or protect us or fight for us
  • Manipulate our surroundings so we don’t feel so defenseless.
What did Adam do next? He hid
We are hiding - not what we are meant to be - afraid of exposure

2009-09-11 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 2)
Enemy always tempts us to take back control and to recover and rebuild false self
We must remember that it is out of love God stops our imposter
God disciplines those he loves, do not lose heart - Hebrews 12:5-6
We must walk away from the false self
Simply accept the invitation to leave all that we’ve relied on and venture out with God

No clue to what your false self may be?
  • What is my effect on you?
  • What am I like to with?
  • What don’t you feel free to bring up with me?
If you never ever say a word in a meeting because you fear you might say something stupid, well then it’s time to speak up
If you dominate meetings - sense of worth
Do you face fears head on?

Losing false self is painful
Like losing a close friend
Journey has pain but is toward freedom, healing, and authenticity

2009-10-19 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 2)
Most spend the energy of their lives trying to eliminate risk
Their children hear “no” far more than they hear “yes”
If a man succeeds in securing his life against all risk, he will wind up in a cocoon of self-protection and wonder why he is suffocating
Seizing upon some sort of competence and rejecting anything that cannot be controlled

This a refusal to trust God and reach out for control – runs deep in every man
False self’s desire is to have power over experience – to control events and consequences - Mark 8:36

Too may men forsake their dreams because they aren’t willing to risk or fear they aren’t up to the challenge or are never told that those desire of the heart are good

Soul of a man isn’t made for controlling things
His job is charter to explore, build, conquer, and care for all creation
If you had permission to do what you really wanted to do, what would you do?

"How" is a faithless question – How is God’s department… Ask "what"
What is written on your heart?
What make you come alive?
Don’t ask yourself what does the world need. Ask yourself what make you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive

I’ve met men who’ve used advice like it was permission
They are deceived about what they really want
Goal of Christian discipleship is the transformed heart
We move from boy who needs the Law to the man who is able to live by the Spirit of the Law
Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit then you won’t feed on compulsion or selfishness

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