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2008-04-06 - Falling in Love with God - Rediscovering each other
Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him - Luke 24:13-32

They did not see Jesus because they lost hope and did not see him in a new light

There is no joy like rediscovery - ex. rediscovering your spouse

Some today:
  • "We are not compatible anymore"
  • "We have both changed"
  • Think about an old boyfriend or girlfriend
We need to "rediscover" our spouse if we have lost hope

We need to "rediscover" Jesus if we have lost hope of connecting with him again
  • Because of Jesus we can be one with Him
  • He has not changed
  • He is thinking of me, I am I thinking of him?

2008-04-21 - Falling in Love with God - Communication
Talking to God is the best way to break the chains that our hearts captive

Tempted to everything but talk to God

Sometimes we feel that we need to get everything "just perfect" before going to God

God listens to complainers - Job, Jeremiah, Jonah, Abraham, and Moses

God prefers honest agreement to dishonest submission

Psalms 42 - Half of psalms like David telling himself what he should be thinking and feeling

Deepest parts of him longed to connect with what is deepest with God

2008-05-13 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Power of Negative Thinking
They are stronger than we are; we seem like grasshoppers - Numbers 13:31-33
  • Negativity oftn excites stronger emotions
    • Easily swayed by the negative report
    • Forgot God's amazing miracles and victories
  • Negative thinking is a pervasive tendency
  • Majority of people inevitably practice negative thinking
    • No wonder so many people reacted negatively to Jesus
    • How many were confident that the resurrection would follow? Next to nil
  • Negativism is deceptive to observers - seems normal
  • Negatives are often mixed with positives to sound better
  • Leaders have a responsibility to determine the thinking of the group
  • Negativity is tragic in its results - destroys faith and unity of the group
No one remembers the names of the spies, we do know the name of those who avoided or overcame negativeness

2008-05-18 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Spiritual vs Doctrinal Thinking, part 2

Goal is the be focus on personally knowing God, being changed, and helping others to do the same

Doctrine is important - Must watch it - Timothy 4:15
Must have sound doctrine - 1 Timothy 1:10; 2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 1:19, 13, 2:1
Our study helps us understand the heart of God and imitate it

Doctrine thinking Spiritual thinking
High blood pressure Inner peace
Division Unity
Leads people to hell Leads people to heaven
Man-centered God-centered
Unspiritual Spiritual

2008-05-19 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Sentimentality

Can easily become sentimental when talking about salvation:

  • Family, people you are emotionally connected with
  • Thinking about people in remote parts of the world
    • It would be cruel to share the gospel with someone who hadn't heard it and was saved
    • Like not throwing a life jacket because you think they will be alright
  • Religous people - would you be willing to stand before God with - infant baptism or non-disciple life?

All have sin and have fallen short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23

Being "broader" than the Bible puts you on the wrong road

God will be the judge and he has given us the basis of his judgement - John 12:48


  • We become judgmental and reason like Pharisee; we are policeman, God is the judge
  • Lose our conviction religious doesn't equal salvation


2008-05-22 - Purpose Driven Life - It All Starts with God
It's not about you
You were born by HIS purpose and for HIS purpose

Our search for purpose usually starts at the wrong place - ourselves

Self Help Books = Consider your dreams > Clarify your values > Set some goals

Being successful <> (not equal) Fulfilling your life's purpose

Easiest way to fine out the purpose of an invention is to ask its owner

Ephesians 1:11
  • Discover your identity and purpose through Jesus
  • God was thinking of you long before you ever thought about him
  • Purpose of your life fits into a much larger purpose

2008-05-23 - Purpose Driven Life - You Are Not an Accident

God planned:

  • Where you would be born
  • When you would be born (waiting patiently for Juniper)
  • How long you will live
  • Who your parents would need to be for you to come the way you came

God was thinking of you even before he made the world, that is why he created the world

God's purpose even took in account sin and human error.

If there was no god, we would all be accidents

The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us - Romans 12:3

2008-05-25 - Purpose Driven Life - Made to Last Forever

This life is preparation for the next - realizing this will help you live differently

  • Place a higher premium on relationships
  • Use your time and money more wisely
  • Your priorities will become reordered

God has planted eternity in the human heart - Ecclesiastes 3:11

The closer you live to God, the smaller everything else appears

The most damging aspect of contemporary living is short-term thinking
Only time most people think about eternity is at a funeral

This world is not our home - Hebrews 13:14
Every moment in this body is time spent away from our eternal home - 2 Corinthians 5:6

2008-05-27 - Purpose Driven Life - Life is a Temporary Assignment

Life is a temporary assignment

It is descriped as a mist, a fast runner, a breath, a wisp of smoke

Compared to eternity, life is extremely brief
Earth is only a temporary residence
Christians should carry spiritual green cards

With this understanding. worries lost their grip on our lives

In order to keep us from getting too attached God allows us to feel much discontentment and dissatisfaction in life
It is a fatal mistake to assume God's goal for your life is material prosperity or popular success

  • Paul was faithful - ended up in prison
  • John the Baptist was faithful - was beheaded

Some would consider them foolish and lost everything but they gained everything - God and heaven

In heaven we will ask ourselves:

  • Why did I place so much importance things so temporary?
  • What was I thinking?
  • Why did I waste so much time on thing that will not last?

2008-06-03 - Purpose Driven Life - Best Friends with God
God wants to be your friend
God's ideal relationship - Adam and Eve (no rituals, ceremonies, or religion)
Moses, Abraham, David, Job, Enoch, and Noah had intimate relationships with God
Most in the OT had just the fear of God
You are not longer servants but friends - John 15:15
Through constant conversations
Make it a habit to have daily devotion time but it more than just that
God wants to be included in every activity in your life (Some think you have to get away)
Key to the friendship is not changing what you do but your attitude toward what you do
Pray all the time - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray as often as possible
Help me trust you
You are here with me
I'm depending on you
You are my God
How awesome you are!
Pray as often as possible
Your goal is not a feeling but an awareness of the reality that God is always present
Through continual meditation
Thing about His Word throughout your day - who God is, What he has done, and what he has said
Meditation is simply focused thinking - Worry is a form of meditation
Friends share secrets
God told his secrets to Abraham, Daniel, Paul, his disciples, and others friends
When you read your Bible or hear a sermon - develop a practice of review the truth in your mind

2008-06-14 - Purpose Driven Life - Protecting Your Church
It is your job to protect the unity of the church
Supreme model for unity is the Trinity
Jesus' final moment was thinking and praying about the church's unity
Make every effort to keep the unity - Ephesians 4:3
Focus on what we have in common
We share the same life, salvation, and same future
Conflict - focused on "disputable matters"
Be realistic in your expectations
People become disillusioned with church
Should not be surprised - made up of sinners, including ourselves - 1 Corinthians 1:10
Reconciliation - not running away - road to stronger character and deeper fellowship
If the church must be perfect to satisfy you, that same perfection will exclude you
Choose to encourage rather than criticize
It is always easier to stand on the sidelines than get involved
Judge another believer:
  • Lose fellowship with God
  • Expose my pride and insecurity
  • Set myself up to be judged by God
  • Harm the fellowship
Satan is the accuser of our brothers
Other Christians are not the real enemy
Any time spent for comparing and criticizing should be used for building others up
Refuse to listen to gossip
People who gossip to you will also gossip about you
Great wounds usually come from other sheep, not wolves
Practice God's method for conflict resolution
Go to the person you are having issues with - Matthew 18
Takes a man of courage to speak the truth in love
Support your pastor and leaders - Hebrews 13:17
No perfect leaders
They are accountable but so are you
You will give an account on how you obeyed your leaders

2008-06-16 - Purpose Driven Life - How We Grow

God wants you to grow up - some grow older but never grow up (Ephesians 4:14-15)

Nothing shapes your life than the commitments you make
Many are afraid to commit to anything and drift through life

God's part and your part

Our part is to: Continue to work out our salvation with fear and trembling - Philippians 2:12-13

Our role = "work out" salvation (grow - in a body workout we have our body but we make it better)
God's role = "work in" us

Changing your autopilot

Becareful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts - Proverbs 4:23
Changing what you think, changes you

Going on a diet, exercising does not work if you do not change your thinking - "I am going on a diet"

The way you think determines the way you feel - which influences how you act - Ephesians 4:23

Babies by nature are completely selfish
Many never grow beyond that kind of thinking

It is not the amount of biblical information and doctrine you know
Deeds must be constant with our creeds / Beliefs backed up with Christlike behavior

2008-06-17 - Purpose Driven Life - Transformed by Truth

The truth transforms us

Spiritual growth is the process of replacing lies with truth

Everything around you exists because "God said so"
Job - I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread (Job 23:12)

Must accept the Bible's authority

  • Compass to be relyed on
  • Counsel to listen to
  • Benchmark for evaluating

Unrealiable authorities (at the Garden of Eden as well):

  • Culture - "everyone is doing it"
  • Tradition - "we' ve always done it"
  • Reason - "it seems logical"
  • Emotion - "it just feels right"

Must assimilate its truth

Allow yourself to be transformed by the truth

  1. Receive God's Word - Consider carefully how you listen - Luke 8:18
  2. Read God's Word - Read it as long as we live - Deuteronomy 17:19
  3. Research God's Word  - Write down insights, ask questions
  4. Remebering God's Word - Remember what is important to you; memorize; resist tempation
  5. Reflect on God's Word  - Meditate, focused thinking

Must apply it principles

  • We can fool ourselves that studying is doing
  • Applying the Word is hard work
  • Alway good to write down an action step from the result of your studying
    • Personal (involves you)
    • Practical (can be done)
    • Provable (deadline)


2008-07-03 - Purpose Driven Life - Thinking Like a Servant (part 1)

Service starts in the mind

Servants think more about others than about themselves

Not thinking less of ourselves, thinking of ourselves less
Forget yourselves; lend a helping a hand - Philippians 2:4
This is what it means to "lose your life"
Jesus emptied himself; taking the form of a servant - Philippians 2:7

Self-denial is the core of servanthood
Unfair situation; use the occasion to practice the servant life - Matthew 5:41

Servants think like stewards, not owners

Remember the God owns it all
No servant can serve two masters - Money not "should not", "can not"
If you have been trusted with the world's weath, than you can be trusted with true riches - Luke 16:11


2008-07-16 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 2)
Shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking

Stop thinking like children (thinking like only of self), and like like mature people (grown ups) - 1 Corinthians 14:20
Most advertising encourages selfish thinking

To make the paradigm switch to mature thinking - need to dependence of God
God has given us his Spirit so we don't think like the world thinks - 1 Corinthians 2:12

Shift from local thinking to global thinking

God so loved the world... - John 3:16
God made all the nations and where they would be, so we would look for him - Acts 17:26-27

The world already thinks globally: business, competition, and news
If you ask me, I will give you the nations - Psalms 2:8

What should we pray for?
  1. Opportunities to witness - Colossians 4:3
  2. Courage to speak up - Ephesians 6:19
  3. Rapid spread of the gospel - John 17:20
  4. More workers - 2 Thessalonians 3:1

2008-07-17 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 3)
Shift from "here and now" thinking to eternal thinking

Eternal thinking will keep us from majoring on minor issues
We fix our eyes on what is unseen - 2 Corinthians 4:18
Deal sparingly on things the world trusts on you - 1 Corinthians 7:31
Let's strip off anything that holds us back - Hebrews 12:1

Invest in the future (in heaven)
Store up treasure in heaven - Matthew 6:20-21
Real treasure in God in heaven and the friends we can bring with us - 1 Timothy 6:19

2008-09-08 - Teach Us To Pray - Reasoning with God

Reasoning with God in prayer is an expression of great faith
The Canaanite woman was one of two times Jesus said someone had "great faith" - Matthew 15:21-28

Persistent widow reasoned with the unjust judge - Luke 18:1-8

We cannot change the eternal purposes of God but we can change his mind on how his purposes will be accomplished

Abraham was a man who reasoned with God - his Son being sacrificed - Genesis 18:23-33

Moses was too - God decided to destroy the disobedient Israelites and start a new nation
Moses gave specifc reasons for not destroying them and God heard him and changed his mind
He prayed with great humility - Numbers 12:3

True humility is the key to the prayer of reason - not telling God what to do
Expressing our outlook and giving reasons to back up our thinking

2008-10-05 - Man of Prayer - Name
In Jesus' day, a person's name reflected one's character
God had powerful encounters with an individual, he would change the person's name with the change in them

Halllow mean to treat with great reverence
Focusing our thoughts helps lead to a response of worship

Many focus on telling God their needs, need to focus on God
Seek first his kingdom - Matthew 6:33

In interpersonal communication, remember a person's name is very important
Moses asked God, "Who shall I say sent me?"
God answered, "Tell them I AM has sent you"

YHWH (Yahweh) is the proper name of the living God
God is the God who is, who causes to be, and who will be who He will be
Thinking about God in this way gets my focus on Him

2008-12-20 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 2)
  1. Temporary loss of possions or privileges

Talk about it with your spouse and come up with a deprivation of activity or possession plan
Most important aspect of this is thinking clearly through it and talking to your spouse before opening your mouth
Don't take away item on every offense - this diminishes the impact

  1. Extra work or jobs to do

Clean up their mess, doing extra work to pay off something - creates a deeper sense of responsibility
Punishment is actually a form of restitution

2009-01-18 - Jesus with People - Grateful Son
Mary and Jesus - no greater pain than for parent to bury a child and live with that memory

Jesus stops the process of redeeming humanity to focus on one final moment with him mom
All excuses for neglecting our families die with Jesus - spends final moment and thinking how to provide for her

Jesus submitted himself to being human - learned the lesson to honor your mother - Exodus 20:12

4x in  the gospels - Jesus relates to Mary:
  1. He obeyed her - Luke 2:51
  2. He allowed her to influence him when he performed his first miracle - John 2:1-11
  3. He did not allow his devotion to Mary make him sentimental - Mark 3:20-35
  4. Protected and provided for her needs as he died on the cross
He was not too "spiritual" that he neglected the needs of others

Busy disciples - often neglect the needs our immediate family?
Husbands - too busy to listen to our wives?
Parents - too busy to invest in our relationship with our children?

When we neglect to provide for our relative - we deny the faith - 1 Timothy 5:7-8
Jesus won Mary's soul with a relationship

2009-01-20 - Jesus with People - Harassed and Helpless

Jesus was always able to look beyond people's outward behavior to the need within

How does a person who is harassed and helpless behave?

  • Some irritation
  • Little mistrusting

He saw beyond the paralytic's phyiscal condition to his need for forgiveness - Mark 2:5
He saw the invaild's need for hope at the poolside - John 5:6

When we see a crowd who is harassed and helpless we see - problems, problems, problems
When Jesus sees a crowd who is harassed and helpless he sees - harvest, harvest, harvest

Wiser to evangelize the "suburbs" because there are less "problem" people - NNNNOOOO!!!!
Jesus was not swayed by this thinking

Jesus saw the potential in people, not the problems - why see inspired such change

People need a shephard and Jesus responded and raised up other shephards - Matthew 9:38-10:4
Compassion is passion that leads to action

Are you meeting needs or do you alwaysfind yourself reacting to the way people treat you?
Make a list of needs you see where you are - make a plan to meet those needs

2009-05-07 - No one like him - His servant heart (part 2)
Many ways to set our mind
  • Career
  • Car
  • House
Jesus set his mind on serving – “What can I give?”
Not looking for comfort
Not about the way he looked

Jesus saw himself as a servant, leading others to be servants

How would this thinking change – marriage, family, church, workplace, neighborhood?
Jesus was about meeting needs
  1. Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
  2. Living Bread (John 6:51)
  3. Great Physician (Matthew 9:12)
Most precious thing to Jesus was his relationship with the Father – but did not hold on that either for our sake

2009-05-08 - No one like him - His servant heart (part 3)
To serve means
  • Not holding to things
  • Not grasping on
  • Not saving ourselves
  • No protectiveness
  • Not a way of comfort
Jesus did this with the spirit of joy, peace and celebration

No one can save himself and still fulfill the mission of God

Luke 17:7-10 – we have only done our duty

Thinking not in terms of rights but of responsibility

Slave to all – Mark 10:44

We need to empty ourselves with being a doormat

2009-05-12 - No one like him - Joy
Most of the first 1,000 years’ pictures were of Jesus not smiling – common view

Jesus never felt bitterness, negative thinking, or despair

[Cheer-up] I have overcome the world – John 16:33

We can have complete joy – implementing the teaching of Jesus drew near to God (Joy) – John 16:21-24

Joy in enduring the cross – Hebrews 12:2

2009-05-15 - No one like him - Jesus believed scripture settled issues
Parable of the Tenants - Mark 12:10
Haven't you read the scriptures? - quoting Psalms 118:22-23

In error because they did know the scriptures; badly mistaken - to religious leaders - Mark 12:24;27

  • Jesus - error for not knowing
  • Some modern religious leaders - scriptures are in error

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